Thursday, October 07, 2004

Doom 3 for Linux

Why so angry?... Perhaps because there is no OS X port of Doom 3?

I must have been asleep at the Internet wheel because I missed this one. The Linux binaries for Doom 3 was released a few days ago. This means that the only thing left to work on is the OS X port, which really was supposed to have been released before the Linux version. I have to wonder when id plans to release the Mac version.

One interesting note is that the readme file mentions that it will not work with ATI video cards until ATI releases new Linux drivers. Score one for NVIDIA.

The one gleam of hope I have is that id Software was able to make the Linux version more hardware efficient than the Windows platform. Only a 1 GHz P3 processor is the minimum requirement. Hopefully they can work the same magic with the OS X version... if it ever gets released.


Blogger Robert said...

No plug and play? That's so DOS! ;)

10:23 AM  

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