Over the years

Well, because you asked, here is my list as far as I can remember of the consoles/computers I have had through the years. Our first one was in the 1970's and from I believe Radio Shack. It was beige and had 2 controllers, which had no buttons as far as I can remember. The joystick that was attached to the controller was a very flimsy rod with a plastic sort of tube at the end, to give it some sort of "hi-tech" design I'm sure. I remember it was Santa's gift to us one Christmas. Pong was a classic!
After that, it was quite a while later that after the Atari 2600 came out, and never buying one but always envying everyone who did, yes as a kid it was easy to envy, I decided to save money for one when Coleco released the ColecoVision! I saved some dance money and knew I would be the one with the coolest console! The graphics were light year's ahead of the 2600 and Intellivision, so it was an easy decision to buy it. Of course, Atari spoiled it with the release of the 5200! One system that I knew I didn't want was the Magnavox Odyssey. I thought it was just horrid, and that was just the console, not the graphics! Of course, not too long after, Atari then released another system, the 7800. Oi, even back then it was hard to keep up!
Just as I was getting ready to save up money for the next gen systems, I was eyeing the Jaguar from Atari, I decided to buy my first computer because of the compatibility with my ColecoVision, the Adam computer! It came with the really nifty and fast tape drive and was the best buy for the power at the time, or so I thought. No sooner did I purchase it when I had my first buyer's remorse, as I eyed the Apple and Atari computers. I felt robbed! So not too long after that, I went for the next steal, the Amiga 500! Now that was a computer!
After another few years, with no new software on the horizon, I finally broke down and got the Atari 800 XL! I felt so good at that time, buying a real computer, but my eye was still on Apple. I blame cousin Dan as he used to bring over his Apple II over when we were little kids. We would play Choplifter and Lemonade and of course the all time classic, Zork!
Finally, after a long wait and the right time, I got what I wanted, an Apple computer! Yes, at long last Apple made the ultimate pc with a new processor that would surpass any windoze machine, the PowerPC chip! I got the 6100 model, then not too long after that with, a Mac clone! It was supposed to be cost effective, but ended up sometimes costing more. I didn't care, I had the best! And a clone of the best! But again, I had some buyer's remorse as I did not get the top of the line systms, but the bargain priced for families unit. I was not completely satisfied.
The '80s were pretty bleak for consoles.
After years of getting the low end systems, I decided to make the plunge and buy the next gen of computers from Apple and graduated to the tower! Behold, the awesome power of the Blue and White G3!!! It was at that time I decided that I would not get the low end anymore, but the mid-grade if not the high-end! Slowly, my eye turned to video gaming again. What were these new systems from Sega and Nintendo? Nah, no time for those, I have a G3! Hmmm, now Sony came out with one? My interest had been sparked. I watched the first wave of new systems come out and decided I had to have the Sega Dreamscape! Truly, the consoles had caught up to the arcade machines! Too bad the Dreamcast died a horribly fast death. I was not about to shell out more money just to have a Playstation 2! So I got an Imac G5 instead! Now that was a pc!
But my eye strayed, and low and behold, after making a pc with the AMD 64 and an nVidia 6800 card, here came the Xbox! Though I was no fan of Microsoft, that machine was worth getting. And then even less time had passed and I had to have the Sony PSP! Now I know that the PSP isn't a console, but a handheld, it was just too cool to pass up! I mean, come on, widescreen movies on a tiny disc or download onto a memory card?! Who can not buy something like that, I ask?! But then Apple had to spoil everything. They went with Intel, a company I couldn't stand, and made the ultimate machine to date!
I tried to wait, but after one month, the MacBook Pro was in my little mitts! So I blame UbiSoft for my next purchase! Dang them for making Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for the Xbox 360! Not too long after the MacBook Pro, I was the happy owner of the 360 and even happier owner of Gears of War! I didn't actually plan on buying one, as I thought it had a weak list of games at launch. I thought, eh, I'll wait for the PS3. Now, with the even weaker launch titles for the PS3, I'm not sure about that one now, only time Wii tell. Yes, the Wii got in my sights at launch time, as a friend from work brought one to work and I had a blast testing it out! That I have to buy, even if it's for the nieces and nephew, which I can go inside the main house and play with them easily enough!
Long live the console!
Did I say Sega Dreacscape? LOL! Sorry, I meant Dreamcast! Dreamscape was a bad movie about going into one's dreams if I remember correctly!
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