Torn about Kong!

Hello there again! So, did anyone buy the Kong DVD yet? I had pre-oredered it, so no probs picking it up here! I am still somewhat torn though. Yes the visuals are awesome, and it actually is a great story. And the acting is top notch in my opinion as well. On a whole, the movie to me is an epic picture. So, why am I torn? If you didn't read my blog at the Kruddler, then I'll briefly reiterate it here.
I'm torn about it because of the blaspheming of Christ's name. It happened numerous times throughout the movie. I also find it interesting there was no profanity considering how much Jackson used Christ's name so much. On the one hand I'm happy there was no other profanity, but still torn about the blaspheming.
In any case, I still do like the movie for the acting, cinematography, sound, effects and story. To me, it would have been one of the finest pictures made, but it left me torn for the above mentioned reason. Any opinions?
OH! One final note! I noticed that there were some changes in the DVD. Some scenes were different than the theatrical release. Very intersting. Dunno why, but interesting. And yes, I'm watching it as I write this! I more than likely will see it again on my trip to Penn. to see if I can catch what exactly is different.
Great to see you put pics in your blog Kruddler!
Good commentary on Kong, but please refresh my memory since I still haven't picked up the DVD yet and I only watched it in the theaters one time. What parts had Christ's name being used in vain? I'm trying to remember but I think I'm going to have to watch it again to catch it. Circuit City has it for $13.99.
Krud, when are you going to Penn? For how long? What airline?
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