Getting ready for the return

Superman! Strange visitor from another planet! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Superman! Who disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way!
I am now getting more excited about the summer! After Chris Reeve, I thought, eh, I won't care about another movie. Maybe I'll watch it if they decide to make another, but since I pretty much believed he was the one who made me believe a man could fly, I don't really care anymore if they make another Superman or not.
Well, that train of thought lasted till this year! I started looking at the new movie site, saw the teaser trailer, and then happened to channel surf while on the computer a few months ago when lo' and behold, ABC Family was showing an episode of Smallville.
I had never had an interest in Smallville, when it first started almost 6 years ago on the WB. This was my first exposure to the show and though I can't remember the episode that got me hooked, I liked it. So I started to watch it on ABC Fam chanel, and then was no longer satisfied with the commercial interuptions, that I bought the 4 seasons on dvd!
Then I read that the makers visited the movie set during it's shooting, and said there might be some surprises on the show next season. They didn't actually say anything other than hint that maybe there could be some lore connection with the series and movie! Now it's a must see for me!
I have always liked Superman, but Spiderman was always my favorite. That may still be true, but I can't stop loving Superman! It's just such a fantastic tale, so fantasy, sci fi, just plain imaginary, that I can't help but love it! I love the series, Smallville, now also! It's just so cool to see a different take on Clark growing up. A lot of the lore is different, but there are elements that remind me of the comic. I'm glad I bought it, and I am now getting very excited to see the movie! I hope I'm not spoiling it by anticipating and having such high expectations from it!
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