
So, with the day of events over at MacWorld, what else is there to say but wow!? Yes, it didn't have a lot of product announcements, but in a short editorial note on one of the Mac rumor sites, they mentioned that Apple insiders said that there were other products that were coming out soon but no time to announce them today because of all the time the iPhone took!
Can we say Quad Core machines yet?!
And so the era of the new iPod has been ushered in, with a slight delay since it comes on sale in June, the wonderous iPhone! Can anyone deny the greatness of that device? I think not! When it's avaliable for orders, I'll be there ready with cash in hand! I had planned on getting it this month when it was announced, but I can wait! It's worth waiting for even though my current phone is around 5 years old.
I can't wait for the twin bloggers come back from San Fran to write about their experience watching Steverino first hand and up close! Why oh why didn't you two bring a laptop?! Oh the agony of having to wait for those blogs!!!
Yes Krudd, the iPhone absolutely blew me away. If you haven't already, you gotta watch the Keynote. I should have brought my work laptop to the hotel since we had free Wifi but since it's a Compaq I didn't want to be shunned by the Mac community.
The irony is that Rob and I are currently commenting at the Microsoft Blogger Lounge which offers free internet access for bloggers using 17" iMac's.
I have Friday off and will be home then to work on my post MacWorld super blog. Be ready!
I heard a rumor you already made the first blog on Macworld- and it's true! LOL. Well Mark and I are at the Microsoft Blogger Lounge right now simutaneously posting comments on two different iMacs. It's been quite an experience so far. Lots of die-hard macheads here so the energy level is quite high. Yes, everyone is talking about the iPhone, and everyone wants one. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it has captured such worldwide attention. Can't wait to come home to read all the comments about it all.
Well, I can't wait to here what you guys have to say! Or rather, read about it. :)
Dave! You can pull it off! Just use the saying I was teaching GukGuk and the Gonch! "I need it!"
And today of course I read about Cisco suing Apple already for using the name iPhone! Apparently they had the name trademarked and even have their own iPhone for sale. However, I'm hoping that everyone recognizes that Apple had been using the "i-" product line way before the others! Watch, they're going to be forced to pay up AND change the name! Well, by the time June rolls around, I hope they show all of them up by putting even more into the Apple device!
BTW, the rumor is that new Mac products are coming out later this month and Feb.! Don't be too down on Apple yet! I can understand the hype over the iDevice and how much time they needed just for that! Yes, I've already renamed the iPhone! In any case, I hope those rumors are true, can't wait to see if the new Macs come out!
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