Macworld 2008 - My Thoughts

New Apple TV Software
Nice, slick interface and it looks like Apple addressed some of the issues that users had since last year's introduction -HD capability and independence from a computer- but clearly the big studios laid a heavy hand in shaping the movie service part of it. Rules such as 30-day delays, variable pricing and 24-hour expiration dates are something I know Jobs didn't want to have to explain with a keynote chart, but it looks like his hands were tied on that one.
Software Upgrade for iPod touch
I thought it was odd that Apple decided to charge $20 for the upgrade after the iPhone and Apple TV were upgraded for free, but if I had a touch, I would still pay for it. It seems worth it.
Time Capsule
I didn't think much of this when Steve first announced it. Usually anything Wi-Fi or network related makes my eyes glaze over, but later that night I read the marketing and changed my tune. I've recently been shopping around for an external hard drive to use with Time Machine and narrowed my choices to either the WD My Book or Passport series. I wasn't a huge fan of the way either looked (love to have my peripherals match!) but decided it would do the job. Now with Time Capsule, I can have an Apple designed drive and finally jump into the wireless age at the same time. Mark has been telling me for years to get rid of the unsightly Ethernet cable crossing my kitchen floor but the truth is, I've been traumatized of wireless technology ever since he transferred some hefty sized files at his house a few years ago using an older protocol. Even though Leo Laporte labels the speed of 802.11n as "slow", I think it'll be fast enough for my needs. I'll have to research the technology more but have plenty of time considering that TC won't be released until February anyways.
MacBook Air
Generating plenty of praise and criticism (a hallmark of any successful product) Apple will sell tons. Although I have no need for one myself, I'm fascinated with the engineering aspect of it. I'm still amazed how they can fit a computer in my iMac enclosure but the Air is even more impressive. I'm not aware of any other manufacturer coming close to matching the sleek designs of Apple products but expect to see some clones try later this year.
Speaking of designs, anyone notice the rounded corner, flat box trend by Apple lately? Quick- pick the AirPort Extreme from the lineup! Well I guess JoT noticed with their latest comic.
Well I just finished watching the entire MacWorld keynote. I only have two comments.
Did you notice how quiet the audience got after Steve announced existing iPod Touch users can upgrade to the new apps for $20? You could hear a pin drop.
Second, what was up with Randy Newmans' rant? That guy is all kinds of crazy!
Yeah, when I was looking at the live feeds, the reporter mentioned the same thing about both the audience and Randy Newmans' craze. He's lost it completely if he ever had it!
All Randy said was that the current administration is not as bad the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler or Stalin. Is that so crazy? ;)
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