Monday, April 09, 2007


So the announcement came a little later than we all thought, but it's here! And not just what was expected, but better! I'm of course talking about the new 8 Core MacPro. The long awaited machine we were expecting was the new Quad Core systems, but in a typical Apple (Jobs) manuever, they dazzle us all by not only releasing a Quad system, but the powerhouse 8 Core system!

My initial reaction was, "Oh yes!" followed by hmmm, that's not what I expected for the Quad Core, to aw heck, these are awesome systems no matter what!, to well, more video card choices would be nice ( why stop at an Nvidia 7300 when there's a 7800 out? Huh), to lastly eh, this is the best thing ever (so far)!

Leave it to Apple to make something that makes you want it and be torn at the same time! I'm still gonna drop the hard earned cash on one of these systems, which for me WILL be an 8 Core, but it may take a little while before I end up getting one. The first order of business is to try and get some overtime shifts and the next part is to actually save some money...

In any case, after reading up on the new systems, it is quite an impressive piece of work that will fit nicely to my collection of electronic gadgets! Yeah yeah, it's not a gadget! It still fits nicely into my collection!

Speaking of collection, I have another new item that I just bought because I had a good tax return and thought I'd get myself a new toy... but that's a blog for another day!


Blogger Robert said...

I had no idea that the latest MacPros captured both Dave's and your attention. If you're trying to have the greatest Mac collection ever, you still have a bit of a ways to go compared to this guy!

6:50 PM  

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