Next Gen Gaming: BIOSHOCK

Wow. Let me start with saying I'm happy I bought both the 360 and PS3. Both promised next gen gaming and whilst the PS3 does not have a lot of titles yet, it's obvious they are going to be outstanding. That being said, this commentary is mainly focused on Bioshock.
Bioshock. The first rumors and then screenshots I saw a while back did not interest me. The closer it came to release, I still showed little interest. I didn't reserve it as it was just another game that I might get, only if there was nothing else that really seemed interesting and if I was that bored. And then, I always have WOW, so there was no real need or want to get this game.
The day after it came out, a friend from work said it was one of the best games he's ever played and the imagery was incredible.
I'm not one to just jump on the band wagon just because a game looks good, but he also mentioned the gameplay was cool. He's a big time gamer, so I figuired I would at least go to the store and see if they had it on display. They didn't, so I bought the game thinking I could always trade it back in and tell them it wasn't that great.
I don't know why I wasn't impressed with the screenshots before, seeing it in action on my 360 and Samsung HDTV, I only have one word. Wow! If I had wanted to play this on my pc, which is dead at the moment, I wouldn't even be able to play it on the lowest settings. Not only am I taken aback by the visuals, the mood it sets and the ambiance of the game are great! That's an understatement. Lighting, music, sound fx... wow!
I thought GOW was incredible, and it still is, but Bioshock is great in a whole different way. If they keep coming out with games like this, then getting a 360 is a great investment! I never would have thought of using the word investment on a game console, but the entertainment value is not what it used to be! Definite long term value here!
I know I haven't really given anything away concerning what's in the game, but you guys have to see it! You have to play it! The only thing I can complain about is that it is single player. However, I haven't checked out all the details of it yet, only read the box and started playing!
I now have 3 next gen games, one being on the PS3, Resistance Fall of Man, GOW and now Bioshock on the 360. I'm very happy that I bought these systems as I know I'll have lots of gaming to look forward to!
OK let me get this straight. Rob and I blog about BioShock saying how great it looks, but you don't consider it until your friend tells you to get it? What are we, chopped liver? :)
Yes, yes you are. Actually, you guys were part of the hype. It's different when someone has actually played it than just reading the hype, or watching the company's preview which of course would be the best shots they would want out.
In any case, like I said before, i was ready to take it back before I bought it. He played it, but I still had doubts about it. I was wrong. It's awesome! I spent the last 2 days, well, evenings, playing but haven't finished it yet. It's cool!
Maybe Krudd thought we still held a grudge and were trying to trick him for persuading us to purchase this? ;)
Krudd, Rob and I both played the demo on the PC, so it wasn't exactly "hype" as you described. Still I wouldn't disregard a title just because there is a lot of marketing for it. Based on that criteria you shouldn't get Halo 3 then but I have a feeling you still will.
Anyways just got my 360 today and played BioShock. Awesome game like you said and runs smooth as butter on the 360. On my "aging" PC its choppy and runs on a lower res then on the HDTV so it's no contest which is the better platform for me.
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I don't buy it! This coming from a guy who bought TR Legend!
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