Gears on Windows

Well it turns out that Microsoft just announced during this year's E3 that Gears is coming to the Windows (XP and Vista) platform at the end of this year. This is great news for us non-360 owners especially since it's going to come with additional content never seen before on the Xbox, including a missing boss battle against a huge monster (shown here) that Krudd was telling me about. If it's half as fun as battling the Berserker than its destined to become an instant classic.
You guys are insane. Did you sleep at all or just play straight through the morning? I had to bail at 11:30 for a TDM run.
Well that's awesome news about GOW being released for Windows. I'm surprised that Microsoft is supporting XP, assuming they would claim it could only run using DirectX 10. Props to Microsoft on that one. Apparently the rumor started on this way back in January from a leaked Nvidia beta driver.
So are you still getting an Xbox 360? My view is that the strength of consoles are in games where two or more people could play together in a social environment. When it comes to FPS's (my favorite category) I prefer using a mouse and keyboard combo with a full screen to myself.
I was set on getting the Elite but once I finished Gears I can now wait until Halo 3 comes out before asking the finance committe for some funds. Whats strange is that I'm not getting the 360 for games but to rather use it as a media extender/center. Future blog about that coming soon...
I know what you mean about using the full screen, I've not a fan of the split screen but with one console and one TV what can you do? Now if we both had 360's we could play co-op Gears over Live and get the full screen experience.
Almost forgot, we played till about 1:00am then woke up at 8:00 and polished it off around 1:00pm. Shoot thats about 14 hours!
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