Fast Fast Fast!!!

Egad it's fast! It is nonstop action with great music and great graphics and great effects (sound and visual)!
I'm taking a break at the moment, mainly because I have a headache from all the fast paced action! Talk about being blown away from the onset! If you guys thought Halo 2 was awesome, I have no description for you concerning Halo 3!
H3 definitely makes you feel you are in the battle of your life! The only thing I can really say is to David and Rob: you have to get the 360 and H3!!! There are no if's and's or but's about it! This would be the ultimate co-op for the 4 of us!
I didn't wait in line last night like I thought I would as I was with friends at the Magic Castle having a very late dinner and magic show! As fun as it was, I kept looking at my iPhone for the time because I still wanted to make it in time before the store would close! I left around 12:30am and made it with minutes to spare, as the line was almost done and they were getting ready to call it a night!
One of the managers there told me that people waited from that afternoon in front of the store, and that I missed the frenzy leading up to midnight. Surprisinly enough, they went thru the line about as fast as the Apple stores did with the iPhone! I was the last person in line and was out of the store within minutes! But as I had been up since 4am because of work, I decided to wait till morning to play as I also took the day off just for H3!
I know, I know, how could I wait to play, but I was happy and content and knew I would have no problem waiting to play! I'm not that crazy! Well, not this time at least! I've been playing since 7am and am having a blast! My only real downer will be when I have to stop playing again for a WoW guild meeting we have scheduled for tonight online. :( But it's not that much of a downer, I mean, it is WoW after all!
Well, Back to H3! This has been a long enough break! Marcos! Don't wait to buy it, buy it now!!! We need to do co-op!
Cool review, can't wait to get it.
Well, I finished the game and can only state that I wish it wasn't over! You have to get this soon!
The story has always been a selling point to me, and this definitely was one of it's major pluses.
Now I'm sad it's over, but there's always co-op! Hurry and get it!!!
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