A matter of time

So, I finished playing Timeshift on my iMac, yes, it plays wonderfully with Vista on Bootcamp, and it was a fun game. However, don't expect anything revolutionary from it if you get it. If you have played or seen either F.E.A.R. or Prince of Persia, then you'll see the similarities with the whole slow mo and time shifting abilities.
The story isn't bad, but again, nothing original imo. The gameplay is fast and furious, so you will definitely need to timeshift in order to win the game. As far as first person shooters go, it's pretty basic. Standard movements, no surprises.
Graphically, the game is different. It sort of reminds me of a stop motion animation for some reason. I'd say you'd know what I'm talking about if you saw it in action. I did like it though, it was unique. There are some nice visuals with effects, such as the perspective option which if checked, blurs the surrounding visuals like a camera lens, only focusing on the target in your sights.
It is a high quality game, fun to play, good music and sound efx, but all in all, nothing revolutionary, imho. I'm glad I did get it for one reason though: I got to test out the capabilities of the full version of Bootcamp to see how Vista does with games on my iMac! Plays great, runs smoothly! And if you hadn't seen or read yet, G4TV had a small segment about Vista. Research on the best way to run Vista wasn't on a pc built machine, it was on a Mac using Bootcamp! Apple FTW again!
Good review of Timeshift. Never heard of this game before but if that picture is an actual screenshot then the level of detail in the game is simply stunning.
On another note, were you not planning on telling us that you bought the Orange Box? We saw you on Steam! :)
Oh, btw, I got the Orange Box.
:) Sorry, forgot to mention that, but I was busy trying to play the episode, so I wasn't looking at steam at the time.
I also then got sidetracked with (review coming later) COD4! Man what a game!
dude, I still maintain that Microsoft will at some point completely focus all of their efforts to developing more for the superior machine that we know as our Apple Macintoshs.
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