Gears of War for Windows

More than any other title, this was the game that made me envious of every XBox 360 owner, especially after reading Krudd's review. It's just a visually stunning game that somehow broke the mold of the overplayed marine in space/fighting aliens genre. After reading this preview article I don't feel so bad now for not purchasing a console.
I'm assuming from the specs that it'll play just as fine on my machine as BioShock did, considering that they are both based on the same Unreal engine. The nice thing about GOW though is that it will finally ship with the Unreal 3 editor. Time to revive our Disneyland project!
I was thinking of getting it myself, just for the editor and the new battle with the boss monster that was cut from the 360 version, however my PC choked on BioShock, even at the lower res settings. I'm not so sure GoW will be any different. So I'm not sure its worth the money for me just for the editor. Most likely I will pick up the 360 version and play it on the big screen with surround sound.
So why are you posting blogs about this and not your shiny new iMac? That's right I'm outing the fact you have it at home and didn't tell anybody! Get to work!!!
You're killing me. I've been telling myself I won't buy the pc version of GOW as I don't need it, but now...!!!
I think it would be cool to restart our DL map with the editor, however, I will definitely need your help, whoever can spare the time for me to come over, as I am not savvy in the 3D art area. Show me how to use an editor!
That being said, wouldn't a DL map look awesome in this editor?!
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