Cloverfield- bits of info

I'll only give you a few links, the best being Cloverfieldclues, as from there, you can read a lot of comments and get most of the links to other sites. The other is something I found interesting today as I was looking for the movie info.
Apparently there was a comment, though I don't have the link to it, about something called Bloop, which as it turns out is not a fictional part of the storyline. I looked it up on Wikipedia and lo and behold, there it is! Read it, fascinating.
Lastly, as you can look up a lot of vids on YouTube, I'll only link this one, Chuai Staion. It all has to do with the Tagruato tie in, and there are a couple of links from there that you might find interesting as well concerning this vid. BTW, Chuai Station was owened by Tagruato Corp.. which seems to no longer be working! There is a storyline based on hackers attacking their website, T.I.D.O.wave the environmental terrorist group! Rob, can you get Rikachu to translate what is on the page?
Have fun with the whole backstory/clues/etc.!
Krud I haven't read the rest of your blog yet but you might want to block the image in case any one reading hasn't seen it yet. Spoilers! :)
I don't know how to block, so I just deleted it. :(
LOL, I figured one of you guys would beat me to the blog. I have so much to ask you guys but I don't want to spoil anything. This is going to be hard. Anyways here's a link to what may be the translation we discussed at the end credits. For anybody that hasn't watched the film yet, don't click the link unless you want a spoiler!
Also there was something that happened at the end that I didn't catch but apparently lots of people did. I must say that this movie deserves a repeat viewing. BTW, it is a Paramount release so perhaps I will get to see it on HD DVD after all!
By the way what was the pic Kruddler linked to? I missed it!
This was the image Mark. None other than Mr. Seabed Nectar himself! :)
Wow, when they decide something is over, it's over!
What I'm referring to is the closure of both the Tagruato and TIDOwave websites! The movie is out and so they seemed to have shut down those websites. However, the current buzz being that they will re-open the sites for the DVD release and the sequel. I think they should've left them open and kept it going!
yeah, but was it good?
yeah, but was it good?
Krudd, the locked sites, as you might have read, are planned events to help further the mythology of the movie. The movie's marketing machine is only getting started!
Nick! You gotta see it! Of course I'm easily amused, but hey, I think it's still a great movie!
And yeah, I did read that things are just gonna heat up more, rob! I can't wait to see the extra footage on dvd, or blueray. Marcos, isn't Paramount going to go blueray since WB turned to my side?
Nothings been announced about Paramount going Blu-ray exclusive. Keep in mind they just committed to HD DVD not to long ago and probably have some contractual agreements to meet with Toshiba before they can defect. You may have to "suffer" with the DVD version of Cloverfield for a while longer.
My apologies Krudd for editing your post! I felt some kind of image was needed! :)
Rob, you said no spoilers! Now everybody knows what the monster looks like!!!
it's ok, Rob. I woulda done something , but I'm not home to do changes. That's my prob with the upcoming blog: no pics as it's ( as this reply) from my iPhone.
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