Toy Story 3

Pixar has the uncanny ability to evoke strong emotions in their films (take the first 20 minutes of Up for example) and TS3 was no different. Without spoiling anything there was a scene close to the end where there wasn't a dry eye in the theater. That's what I like about this company, it's more than just technology to them.
Not to say the tech wasn't bad, in fact it was quite excellent. In keeping with the look of the previous films the characters really couldn't look much different than before (with the exception of the human ones) but Pixar was able to goose up the background scenes compared to the previous 2 films and those little details show.
An interesting tidbit is the fact the animators where unable to use the original 3D files from the previous films and apparently had to start from scratch. Perhaps Rob could explain to me how this could happen.
The 3D effects were at just the right levels. Just like with Avatar, nothing gimmicky that "pokes you in the eye" but provided a depth to match the stunning visuals.
My favorite Toy Story character is new to this film, Chuckles the Clown. The creepiest is Big Baby. Watch the film and tell me if you agree.
I couldn't find any additional information regarding the technical issues with the original Toy Story 3D data. Very interesting! I guess it's somewhat similar to not being able to launch KPT Bryce on Mac OSX. Technology moves on and backwards compatibility is sometimes the casualty. :(
I'm just glad Circle 7 never got the chance to make the third movie! I remember seeing their booth during Siggraph 2005 and being taken aback with their shameless promotion- "Pixar, who's Pixar?" Since Circle 7 reportedly never owned the 3D data, they supposedly had to recreate the characters from still reference materials.
you are so rite!!! big baby was creeping me out at the begining of da movie but at the flash back part i felt sad for big baby. lotso really screwed big baby up the must tho
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