Not a kids game: GoW

Well, it's here, and I did get it last night. I went in the daytime after voting,
which is another story that I'm too depressed to talk about!
The guy at GameStop told me to come back as they would start selling at 7pm, which I did. As I waited in line for an hour, which I suppose isn't that long depending on what you're waiting for, I thought why do I need it on the first day?! No reward is worth this! I was wrong...
I got home, turned on my 360, slid in the disc and thought, eh, I should go to bed, I'm feeling a little sick and it can wait till tomorrow. Then the game came on and I thought, eh, I'll just do the first mission which is the training part.
So start it I did, and thought, wow, nice cinematic and was blown away that it seamlessly went into the 3rd person perspective. I wasn't watching just any old cinematic, I was watching the cinematic in actual ingame graphics! The screens you see online are from the game engine! It's way more impressive when you have yer lil mits on the game and are playing it!
Anyway, the tutorial turned into the next mission, which took me to the next and the next...!
No, I didn't play all night. I wanted to, but my stomach got the best of me as I really was sick. Sleep had to come at some point ya know!
Guys, an HDTV and GoW are the greatest combo ever! The gameplay is hard for me, I'm a slow learner, but man, it's so beautiful it doesn't matter! You want gritty? You want intense? You want a real rush? This is an awesome game!
The only thing I don't like about it is... do they really need to use bad words? LOL!
Yeah yeah, I know it's supposed to add to the realism, but I can't get passed four letter words! Definitely not a kids game! If it weren't for the foul language, I'd rush to show Matthew the game, but I may have to restrain myself.
Check out the gameplay cinematic trailer...
Hopefully I'll have more to report at the end of the game, but for now, I must go play!
Hmmm, now you're making me want to purchase a 360 just for this game. I had to double check my HP monitor to make sure that it supports component video inputs for 1080i gaming- sure does!
Krudd, I know what you mean about the ever popular fad of cursing in video games. What's weird is that I don't mind it in movies as long as it's true to the story but for some reason it always sounds fake in a video game. I heard that you can turn this off in the GoW and also tone down the gore.. is this not true?
Everybody should get a 360 now! Never thought I'd say that, but these next gen 360 games are starting to make it worth it!
As far as the cursing goes, it's actually well done going along with mood feeling and script, if you like that I guess. My problem is just hearing it anywhere.
I remember when I used to say, "I wish I could play with those type of graphics!" speaking of cinimatic quality animations we'd see on the big screen or on great games like the cinematics we'd see for the Blizzard cinematics. That day has come! I am playing with that quality now and in no way have buyer's remorse with my 360!
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