Thursday, January 25, 2007


A friend from work who plays WoW gave me this little gem! It's an alternative to using Ventrilo while we play, as typing during a battle can make or break your groups defenses. It's called Skype, and though it doesn't have the advantage of many numbers to chat with, 40 man online players on the server, maybe more but I've never tried, it does a wonderful job easier than Vent when in small 5 to maybe 10 person live online callers.

Instead of using servers that need to be created, Skype uses whoever makes the "call" as the host server. Very easy and you don't have to create a dedicated server as in Vent. A group of us from my guild in WoW tried it and we loved it! It made our Baron run in Stratholme much easier. I recommend this little app, which is both Mac and Windoze compatible.

Next time we do a WC3 game, or any game, we should give it a shot. Or instead of iChat, when we don't feel like typing, we can just turn on Skype and make our calls online to each other! It also is able to make regular phone calls, with a charge of course. Very convenient if we need that part. Kudos to the makers of Skype!


Blogger Unknown said...

I heard about Skype before but never looked into it since we have iChat (it can do voice conferencing too!) but if you guys want we can set this up on our PCs so we don't have to walk back and forth. Now I have to buy a microphone headset for my PC.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

I already have Skype installed because Rika had been using it to call Canada since around last year. I never realized you could use it for gaming, thanks for the tip!

6:17 PM  

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