Ok, so I know I shoulda done this a long time ago, but honestly, I got too lazy to do it since there is too much to go into with this game! Where to begin?!
First, the game takes place a few years after Warcraft 3, the Frozen Throne. Is Arthas in WoW? Not at the moment. He's one of those endboss guys that they don't really wanna create yet because they wanna make a lot of other bosses that lead up to him, which in the mmo world is smart. Hey, big bucks to be made with expansions!
There are endbosses in each instance though. The head honcho being Illidan atm, who is a lvl 70 raid only, but I forgot how many people have to be in the raid. 25? 40? I forgot, sorry.
So, secondly, the start of the game. Depending which race you choose, you start off in that homeland area of the race, and pick up a quest right off the bat. Basic movement is all the starter area is about. You learn everything you need to survive there and by the time you are ready to leave the area, around lvl 5 or so, there will be nothing really left to learn about moving, fighting, casting, buying and selling. That is probably the best part about this game. It is very very easy to learn and jump into the action! This is what Blizzard does best!
Questing is a big part of the game. It not only is incentive to gain xp to lvl, but if you are into the lore of Warcraft, it's better than reading a book as you are the one playing the part. I've always found the lore or Warcraft a good storyline throughout the years starting with the first game all the way to the World of Warcraft. There is a lot of lore that is also coming up with all the expected expansions. Yeah, it might never end, but then again, do we really want it to?
After a while, as you are able to conquer quests and mobs that are sometimes a little older in lvl than you, you will find "elite" mobs. Most elites are in instances, private dungeons that you must traverse in groups of 5 or raids which are 10 to 40 players. However, you will find some areas that have elite mobs roaming outside an instance. Do NOT tackle them solo unless you are so uber that it won't matter. If you find an elite, normally it's best to run if you are by yourself. Of course, if you are about 5 lvls over it, say you are 40 and it is 35, you should be ok, but not always. Elites are the mobs that hit harder and can take more of your hits, so be careful!
Then there are the instances! If it's loot and xp you want, these are the places! Though you don't have to have the quests to do them, it is great to do instance quests because you get to group with your pals and fight the really tough fights! Challenging! And the elite bosses in instances are cause for planning! However, if you are going in an instance, planning ahead is always best, as you will battle groups of elites, not one at a time. Things really get hopping in dungeons!
The graphics stay true to the original Warcraft games that we're used to, which at first you'd think, why'd they make things look so cartoony, but once you start playing, wow, it is awesome! Bizz does it again!
The one downside is yes, you have to pay a monthly fee, $15. Ok, maybe there are two downsides. The second being you have to spend a lot of time in WoW. There is just a lot to see and a lot to do! Take the capitol cities, like Stormwind and Ironforge: not only are the cities you go into, but there are many shops, trainers and quests to pick up. You can also see the kings, or heads of state as it were. Plus, the main attraction to the capitols are the auction houses! This is where you get to put up your wares for whatever the going rates are or higher if you know how to work the system! It's ebay ingame! Then you gotta store your excess, which is another reason to go to the city, banks!!!
This is a very short blog about WoW, there is just too much to write, and I'm not the kind of guy who can sit and write all of it in one sitting! In short, I love World of Warcraft! I currently have a lvl 65 dwarf paladin and human mage. I do have a few other characters, but they are lower lvl and I haven 't played them much yet as there is a lot to do with the two mains!
All in all, I'm happy playing wow, and I have a lot of friends from work who are in my guild. It's great, like going out but not having to leave the house! LOL! Or spend money having fun irl! We get to chat using skype while we play, so socializing is still around in a big way. For now, until a better game comes around, or mmo, I'll be playing WoW for a while I think.
"Ready master," "I'm not ready!"