Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Deep

ABC News recently aired a video report of a new deep sea underwater photography book titled, The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss. I'm considering purchasing this book just to find out what the name of the pictured fish is. Its eyes appear black and soulless and seems to have the ability to stroll across the ocean floor using its own two feet.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Gears on Windows

As you may already know, Krudd came over last weekend and we had an almost non-stop Gears of War session. We completed the entire game in about 10 hours if I estimated it correctly. It was such an awesome looking game plus it sounded great as we cranked up the Dolby Digital soundtrack since the kids weren't home.

Well it turns out that Microsoft just announced during this year's E3 that Gears is coming to the Windows (XP and Vista) platform at the end of this year. This is great news for us non-360 owners especially since it's going to come with additional content never seen before on the Xbox, including a missing boss battle against a huge monster (shown here) that Krudd was telling me about. If it's half as fun as battling the Berserker than its destined to become an instant classic.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Cloverfield Project

I saw this preview a while ago but somehow forgot about it until Apple's recent trailer posting. I hope this movie is a success. Seems very mysterious and Lost-like, especially with the no-title and viral marketing. I'm taking the buzz of this movie with a grain of salt though because of a growing list of awesome trailers yet disappointing movies I've seen in the past and an unfamiliar director attached to the project. Still J.J. Abrams is producing so hopefully he can work some of his magic into it.

You can read more about it on Wiki of course.