Attack of the Games

BioShock - August 21, 2007
The Orange Box - October 10, 2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - November 6, 2007
Gears of War - November 9, 2007
Unreal Tournament 3 - November 19, 2007
Assassin's Creed - Early 2008
StarCraft II - ?
Rage - ?
Enemy Territory didn't make the cut after I downloaded and played the demo. I absolutely loved the previous version - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and played it to the point of obsession, but Quake Wars was just not as fun. With Wolfenstein, you're at least able to win the objective on your own, (or at least with one other person helping) even if the rest of your teammates are noobs. In Quake Wars, teamplay is essential and finding a server where a majority of the players know what they are doing was difficult.
With the Crysis demo, the game and gameplay are amazing but unfortunately my computer isn't what it used to be. Sadly, I have to tweak the visual settings down to where it doesn't even resemble the awesome screen shots that I see online.
I'm curious to know what your guy's personal gaming lists are. It would be fun to see Krudd's impressive library and learn how he juggles it all. ;)
See I told you about Enemy Territory! I first heard about this game several years ago at E3 but was unimpressed since it was obvious they were using pre-rendered cutscenes as their demo instead of real world gameplay. I agree with you regarding Wolf, an awesome game that plays like butter on my "old" Dell XPS. I just may re-install it for the 78th time since you mentioned it...
Regarding my game list, I must include console titles since my PC just isn't cutting the mustard anymore.
Currently playing in some capacity...
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Wii
Halo 2 - Xbox (playable on 360)
The Orange Box - PC
Resident Evil 4 - Wii
Viva Pinata - Xbox 360
Pending (per lack of time and funds)...
Gears of War - Xbox 360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Xbox 360
Halo 3 - Xbox 360
Mass Effect - Xbox 360
Well, I wasn't and still am not sure about QW ET, but I will go with it not making the list atm. There are so many games out and upcoming that it's going to be hard to keep up!
My list will be somewhat like Marcos', but instead of the Wii additions, it has the PS3 games.
I would have had almost all console listing if it weren't for my new iMac also as my pc is dead, and I'm not sure I'll be building a new one in the near future. If the new iMacs were less than what they are, I wouldn't bother, but it has to be said again: wow what a machine! Now I can still include must get titles for the pc!
Games I have on the pc:
The Orange Box
games on the consoles:
360 games...
Halo 2 and 3 (also the original Halo)
Ghost Recon 1 and 2
Dynasty Warriors 5
PS3 games...
Heavenly Sword
Resistance Fall of Man
And now the games on the must buy list (when released and if the money is there):
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Soul Caliber 4
Mass Effect
UT 3
GoW (yes! I wanna try the editor in this one!)
Gee, it's a big list... that'll hurt the wallet!
Other games that are on the list but as of yet undecided on the platform are
Assassin's Creed, will it be better on the PS3 or the 360? I'll have to see if there is a difference.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, same as above, though if there is multiplayer action I can have with Marcos, then that might be a deciding factor as well.
Alone in the Dark, for the skeeryness factor! It better deliver the creeps or else it goes off the list!
Now, obviously not all games are going to make it to my library, I would think, but they seem to make the cut for must haves atm.
Thanks for your comments guys, very interesting! I was wondering the other day if you gave up on fish'n with Zelda, Mark. Resident Evil 4 sounds like my kind of game, I should check to see if there's a demo for the PC.
I'm tempted to purchase COD 4 now since Amazon is selling it for 20% off, but I don't want to be backlogged. I like to concentrate on one game at a time!
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