The Cloverfield Creature

So, I watched a few theories on video on YouTube, and while some are interesting, they still are somewhat off the mark as what the Cloverfield monster looks like. The only thing everyone is certain of is that it's huge. For some reason a lot of people are comparing it to the new Godzilla, not so new anymore of course, with Matthew Broderick from some years back, but after looking at the clip over and over, and in hd from the movie site, I don't think their theories are correct.
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of monsters to compare it to because of it's size, and from what I've read so far and seen on YouTube, it's not a Godzilla or Zilla as some are saying, movie. It's said that Abrams did give the hint or someone did, that it is perhaps an alien creature of some sort, but I'm not sure as I couldn't find any official interview to confirm this. And from the trailer, it is much scarier than any Godzilla movie! The scene where the silhouette of the woman being held by 2 men and then seemingly expanding like she's going to explode is creepy!
There's also the site that has a few clues it seems. You can move the pictures around, but more than that, you can flip them over if you shake the pics! Dunno what the clues are but it is interesting. Oh, and if you leave that page on in an extra tab or window for a while, go back to it after maybe 15 or so minutes later. I don't wanna give away everything, you'll just have to be patient and do it!
Oh, and I also doubt it is Ctthulu as the tiny scene doesn't appear to have all the tentacles, though it is hard to tell for sure.
And before I forget, it appears another clue is Slusho! It is creepy in and of itself for a web site! However, it gives a big big clue as to what may be going on in the movie! Not only that, but Slusho! also has made an appearance on Heroes! Someone also made a reference to a creature on the comic books used in the series that might be a clue. Check it out! Just another update for you!
Great links Krudd. I had Rika translate the back of the Japanese chef photo on 1-18-08. It sounds like a normal recipe: chicken, somen noodles, etc. but the last ingredient is "seabed nectar" which is the same mysterious ingredient in the Slusho drinks. So what happens after 15 minutes? Nothing happened on the screen for me.
Somebody mentioned that they should never show the monster in this movie, which I think is a great idea. Leave it for a sequel if the first is successful. I really hope this movie doesn't bite like the US remake of Godzilla did!
Cool! Rikachu FTW!
Seabed Nectar may be the cause of the exploding girl, which some have speculated as the creatures eggs, which is why they are supposed to be kept frozen. The parent company for Slusho! is Tagruato, which is another movie web site like how Heroes uses that paper company web site.
Well, I dunno what to tell you about why your audio didn't sound off after 15 or so min, but for me, when I had opened up other tabs and searching for more Cloverfield stuff, the monster roar skeered me! I wasn't expecting it and it was the only other tab i wasn't looking at at that moment.
And though I'd like to see the monster, I agree that it would be better not to fully expose it in the movie. It's scarier that way.
There's also stuff on that new Godzilla, having to do with rights to the monster and such, so it has been kinda renamed Zilla and not actually being the Godzilla monster anymore. Check out Godzilla: Final Wars on YouTube, or more specifically, Godzilla vs. Zilla.
We will finally see the real Chupacabra!
Rob, someone else translated the last item as "Deep - Sea Crab - one". Sure it's not that as opposed to Seabed Nectar? It's gotten people to think its some sort of sea crab monster, although it sure doesn't look like one from the slo-motion footage. Anyways here's the link where you can see the rest of the translation.
I think Rikachu is correct as the secret ingredient for Slusho! is Seabed Nectar, which the parent company of Slusho! boats about discovering on their main company page,
Another theory is however some kind of mutated cross of sea creature, including the crab, fish, octupus etc., combo, which if it is, would look to me somewhat similar to Ctthulu. But I'm sure it's not Ctthulu. Positive it's not him. For the most part.
There's also another opinion that it is some hybrid sea turtle, which if you look closely at the very short footage back and forth, you might be able to make out what could resemble a turtle-ish thing.
Mark, "deep sea crab" was a mistranslation from a non-native speaker living in Japan. I had Rika look at it again and she helped explain to me what the kanji means. It literally translates to "syrup from the bottom of the ocean".
Hinoai, the commenter from Unfiction, admits to the mistake after another couple looked at the image and posted a correction.
As usual, Krudd ends up being right! ;)
Great, now the movie is going to be about a giant honey monster. So scary... :)
I don't suppose Rika would give us all lessons, huh? :)
We could start her an online school, Rikachu's Lessons in Kanji!
Oh, so what about a midnight showing? The four of us could go see it at the Grove if it's there, which I'm sure it will be...
As for it being a deep sea honey monster, my worst fear is coming to pass: a mutated Winnie the Pooh!
Er, five if Annel would also like to join in... :) I'm sure one of the relatives could babysit!
I'm down to watch it together. Rika has no interest in this movie at all though. I'm not sure about a midnight showing, that's a little too hardcore for me, but any day where we are all free is fine with me.
i went to a sneek peek on thursday and the monster looks like a mix of godzilla, a spider, and the preditor. It has spiders that fall of it and if they bite you, you get sick and sort of pop.
2:06 PM
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