Well, Rob asked for it and now Microsoft delivered. The Redmond, WA based company finally
discontinued it's HD DVD player add-on for the Xbox 360. Interesting that they disabled comments on their blog about it. I guess they don't want people to ask when (or if) their Blu-ray player is coming. It should just be a matter of time before they update their
official website with the news.
Looks you and I are reading the same news sites today (GOW2 and the Xbox 360 HD-DVD announcement).
I was planning on posting as soon as I read an official release from Microsoft, but I didn't realize until your post that the Gamerscore blog was a Microsoft marketing site. Guess it's official then! Comments are activated from this main link by the way. A few customers are peeved about this, but it was inevitable after the Warner announcement.
Thats for the main link URL, I like reading comments from disgruntled early adopters. CNET had some good comments too...
No, you bought a product in a field where there was an unclear future due to the obvious format war.
You live on the bleeding edge, you get cut.
I have an HD DVD player too, so I am feeling the sting, but we just bet on the wrong horse.
In any case, just because Blu-Ray won, that doesn't mean your HD DVD add-on and th movies you have bought will stop working. Enjoy them like you always have.
You don't know how close I came to getting one of these players! Dodged a bullet! Sorry, Marcos. :-(
As a sidenote, even though last year when I didn't know who would win the war, I did know I wouldn't really lose as games still were going to be made for the PS3. My thought was if HDDVD won, I'd buy a player. If BR won, I could hold off on buying a dedicated player.
I will admit the end of the war came sooner than I thought it would, but I guess that's ok. ;-)
No apologies need Kruddler. I'm just glad I didn't convince you to buy one (although I tried)!
Microsoft just updated their official website with the latest news as well as dropped the price to $50!
Well that's technology for you.
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