Wednesday, February 20, 2008

IPhone Still Raising Eyebrows

Yesterday while I was on my breaks, I was writing the one blog and posting comments on blogs as you know. As I was doing all this on my funtastic gadget, the awesome IPhone (which I named Krudd's IPhone), several peeps came up to me wondering what I was doing.

At first the thought was I was only text messaging as from one's perspective typing on a phone usually means exactly that, tm'ing a friend(s). When I told them I was blogging, they would pause, not sure if I said what I said. I would then continue and explain how we cousins' have this blogsite and the convenience of being able to keep track of what's going on with all our lives etc..

The comments were not completely unexpected, but the actual amazement and genuine emotion of awe kinda was. Obviously they knew what blogging was, duh to me, but that I was doing a blog and posting comments on others was incredible to them.

I loved the reactions! They had funny comments about how cool it was or how jealous they were and just the overall wow factor of it all! After all these months of having this nearly perfect device, I'm still amazed that it still has that much wow factor left! People really still get very impressed with the IPhone and they do want one.

I knew Apple hit a homerun with the IPhone, I just didn't know it was the mother of all grandslams! I love my IPhone! Apple FTW! Again and still! Woot!


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