Lost with Lost

Lost is still one of my favorite shows, however I have to admit I've been becoming disenchanted with the direction its been taking lately. The main stories are still engaging but the plot lines seems to have become a bit too off the charts, even for a show whos main premise is to keep its audience guessing.
I've been watching every episode this season particularly because Rob said that the mysterious four-toed statue was supposed to be explained. However after watching the season finale last night I was disappointed to find out no aspect of the statue was mentioned. Apparently the ABC executives found the four-toed foot a bit too creepy (although inexplicably they felt six toes would have been a better choice). It also looks like we'll never get to find out what this was all about in any future epsiode.
I can't remember which online publication wrote about the promise to resolve the four toed statue mystery but thanks for the update. Makes me wonder if any of the early mysteries will be answered now like the origins of the polar bear.
Just saw the finale last night. Pretty good but at the same time it's nice to know that there are only two seasons left to wrap it all up.
I never got the chance to see the start of Lost, and then I just never bothered after that to watch any of it. I was thinking at some point it will air on one of the cable channels and watch it then. I'm sure at some point I'll see some kind of rerun.
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