Monday, December 08, 2008

XBox Live

Well, 2 in one night! Who'da thunk!?

I can't say much at the moment about the new version of the Live interface as in all truthfulness, I am still undecided as to whether I like it or not.

I can see where they wanted to make it more, hmmm, should I say... sophisticated? With a slick new design, very clean and ordered (to me at least), it seems like it's supposed to appeal, in my opinion, to a more adult audience.

Yet the new avatar feature completely, again in my opinion, goes the other way toward a younger audience with it's Wii-like cuteness. It does have a very clean feel and look to it to still fit in with the rest of the ui though, I guess.

Maybe I'm still used to the old interface. I honestly can't decide right now whether or not I like it. It's just different. I'm sure when they tweak certain things I'll get more used to it as time progresses. I won't say I dislike it.

It's funny, but now that I think of it, it's sort of a cross between the sleekness of the PS3 interface and the kidness look of the Wii. I guess you could say Microsoft is really working hard to appeal to both ends of the spectrum and capture both audiences from Sony and Nintendo.


Blogger Marcos said...

Ahh the blogs are back! I was opposed to the New Xbox Experience (NXE) at first, since I really liked the old one just fine. However I'm grown to like NXE. It's much faster and more 3D-ish. I could do away with the new avatars which is too shall we say, "inspired" by Nintendo Mii's but I think Krudd is right, they are looking to appeal to a bigger group then just the hard core FPS crowd.

6:39 PM  

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