Wednesday, July 01, 2009


One of our greatest entertainers has recently passed at the tender age of 50. No I'm not talking about MJ, but rather Pennsylvania native Billy Mays. Love him or hate him, he's probably most famous for those Oxy-Clean commercials and his booming voice. Him and fellow pitchman Anthony Sullivan had recently starred in a Discovery Channel show called "Pitchmen", that coincidentally is airing it's season finale tonight.

Why do I bring this up? Well It's no secret that I'm a big fan of late night infomercials and Billy was among the elite. I don't exactly know why I'm drawn to these ads, it's a toss up between the horrible acting or the pure cheese of it all. Perhaps it was the fights between him and his arch rival Vince Offer selling the ShamWow but no matter what I enjoyed it.

At the local county fair I look forward to listening to the traveling salesmen hawking anything from a Salsa maker to a 15 piece Japanese knife set. Annel gets mad cause I sit down for most of the presentation, then promptly leave without buying anything when its time for the close. My response is that my presence there helps draw crowds as it creates interest for bystanders, whether artificial or not.


Blogger Robert said...

The Twit crew were talking about his passing but I wasn't sure who Billy Mays was until your post. Ditto on the infomercials. What I like most about them are the exagerated problems they present. Hillarious stuff!

6:28 AM  

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