End of the Power Mac G5

I ended up taking it to the Apple Store Genius Bar who after performing a few simple tests told me they could take it in but the service costs would be very expensive since the computer was considered "vintage". They recommended I take it to a local Apple Authorized Repair center who would charge less so I called a few around the area. One guy wanted $75 just to look at it and the other guy charged $150 per hour just for labor.
I ended up declining both options since I knew the value of the G5 was only worth about $200 on eBay. After googling the problem I came across this article which described the issues as being a result of the G5 liquid cooling leaking out. I ended up giving the internals a closer examination and sure enough there was evidence of corrosion below the CPU's and a tiny bit if coolant leaking out the back of the case.
It's been a good run considering I bought this computer the day it was released in June of 2004 which makes it over 6 years old. I always said I would keep using it until the tires fell off so apparently that day has come. The only thing I regret is that the failure wasn't due to the computer simply getting old but rather a failed cooling system that wasn't even designed by Apple but rather Delphi Corporation (the old GM spinoff). What makes me a sad is that I specifically bought this model G5 since it was the only Apple product at the time that used liquid cooling (I thought that was a geek bragging point). The irony is that if I stuck with a slower model that was air cooled most likely I would still be using it today.
So the wife and kids still needed a computer for running their educational software and paying bills and such so I first put the old iMac G3 back into use. Unfortunately its too slow (maxed out at 1GB of memory and can only run Tiger) to run just about anything so I had to resurrect my old Dell Dimension XPS that I planned on selling. It seems to work fine and with Rob's old Nvidia 7800 card it even runs Left For Dead 2 at a great frame rate. This will hold me over until after the holiday's when I plan on replacing it with a Mac Mini.
The only other question I have is what to do with my G5. It's such a beautiful computer, both inside and out, and I would hate to trash it. I suppose I could recycle the case since its made of a lot of aluminum, use the case as a mod for a PC or sell it online for parts.