Well, I went out and got Neverwinter Nights 2, had high expectations as this was
supposed to be a great looking game and better gameplay than the first. No lines like
I had with GoW thank goodness ;)
So, after playing the first few levels, I must say I'm kinda sorry I bought it at full price. First, I wasn't blown away by the graphics. With games like F.E.A.R., HL2, and Doom 3 on the pc, then GoW, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, and other next gen 360 games, this was like last years graphics. Disappointing. I was then hoping for the gameplay to keep me interested in the game, which brings me to secondly, what's with the klunky gameplay camera angles? It was hard to get into the game when I was too busy trying to move the camera angle to where it looked right, felt good, etc., all the while the action taking place was getting me killed! So now I had to forget camera looking right to just stay alive even if I can't see the action taking place all the time.
Finally, gameplay. If you get past the first two obstacles, which for me is a hard thing because I have to get the right feel of a game to get into it, it was too slow paced for me. It's not entirely true turn based, but wasn't fast enough to be action packed. I got bored very quickly. I suppose the puzzle solving is a big part of it, but it didn't hold my interest as far as being mysterious. Trying to figuire out the hot keys, inventory, how to cast, how to fight, what to put on action bars, etc., well, was just as klunky as manipulating the camera. I suppose they tried to make a cross between action and mmorpg as far as controls, but it didn't work. It had some elements of action and mmo games as far as controlling and playing it, but it just didn't work smoothly for me. I got bored with the game even though I tried to get into the storyline.
All in all, I could have done without buying this game, but I had such high expectations and hopes for it because I did like the first game. Oh well, not all sequels are great, I guess. :(
The screenshot looks alright. Perhaps you got used to the next generation graphics of GoW? :) I trust your review and won't buy this game.
Well, I will admit after GoW, yes, that does skew my view from this point on. However, when I think Doom 3, HL2 and F.E.A.R. look so much better... Yeah, I know they are different types of games, but still, even though I wasn't impressed with Empire at War graphics, I like the look of it better than NWN2!
It may have been the klunky camera that did this game in for me. Adjusting the angles all the time the way it moved and felt, ugh.
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