More Gears, More Hype

Ok, so, as you know, I have finished GoW, and my resons for not posting a blog about it was because I didn't want to over hype and speak only of GoW when the Wii and PS3 just came out. Needless to say, that apparently doesn't matter to you guys, you want the final verdict and last word on GoW, so here it is...
Ok, so sure, it is a bloody mess and a bit over done with profanity, but to it's credit, it does say 17+, not a children's game. I shoulda been more aware of what an
M rating really means.
That aside, the story is very well done, the acting is good, and the music really adds to the action and suspense of the best looking playable graphics game so far! Though it is fast and furious, it is only in the actual action sequences, giving you time to breathe and walk around, feeling some tension as you move through buildings and adding to the suspense. It doesn't tire you out, unless you want to play it straight through because you can't put it away, turn it off and go to bed! Contrary to certain speculations, I did go to bed and continue the game the next day!
On a side note, my Samsung was displaying at the highest resolution that the 360 and GoW broadcast in as my HDTV is automatic without me having to adjust anything. I didn't know as of Tuesday when I was with you at DL because I never read how to adjust the HD settings untill you got on me about not knowing if I played in it's fullest glory or not. Now I know that I have been. 1080i FTW! Though now that 1080p is out on the newer models...!
Going back to the game, I would have to say that it was rather short, but that may be only because I loved playing it. Dying frequently didn't seem to matter in this game because it just looks so darn good that it wasn't really annoying to die and do it over again! Especially when one of the monsters was at least 4 stories high and it just looks unbeatable! I have since found the "easy" way to kill it. Don't die when attacking! :)
One part that I love in this game is that you can play co-op in the campaign, but the downside to it is that it is co-op for 2 players only. Can you imagine 4 person co-op?! In any case, the co-op is one of the best ways to play this game! It's awesome having someone by your side to defeat the enemies! Best of all, you can do co-op online! To me, that is one of the best features in any game. I have yet to try pvp in this game, so I won't be saying anything about it except that I'm not very good at pvp. Yes, I have a bad aim!
All in all, it is a great game and worth the money and wait time I spent! If you ever end up getting a 360, this has to be the first game you get!
Nice blog Krudd. JK! Are you saying you played the game at less than 1920x1080? If so, was it because of your user settings are was it a hardware limitation on your particular TV/monitor?
It would have been nice to buy the 360 for $100 but more on that in a blog coming soon...
I think I wrote that it was in it's highest resolution, as my Samsung automatically displays whatever the output is of the broadcasting system, in this case the 360 with GOW at 1080i.
Ah I misinterpreted the 1080 "i" and "p" part. Thanks!
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