The Red Ring of Death... is inevitable?

A friend of mine just got the red ring of death, so he had to send his 360 away for approximately 4 weeks, which led me to read a little more about what the deal is with the console.
After all the stuff we already know about it, apparently it is not a flaw that affects only the first or second gen 360's, but as of now any model. With no apparent fix to solve the red ring of death, it is inevitable that my system will die this horrible death and will have to be sent out to be rezzed when the time comes.
How in the world is there no fix for future updated models? Why isn't Microsoft on top of that and just settling on extending warranties for 3 years and just fix your dead machine? Are they hoping some people will have their 360 outlive the 3 year warranty and then they will have to either pay for a fix or just buy a new one?
As of late, I'm starting to fear my 360's number is coming up as the fan is extremely loud now. I never heard it much before, but now it's very obvious that it draws my attention away from gameplay to make me look at the machine to make sure it's ok.
If it's true and my 360 dies, Marcos, there is your clue that you know your 360 might die. At least I hope it's a clue. If not, don't worry, it is inevitable. However, my system isn't dead yet, so hope still lingers...
I'm not too worried about this. It's been noted that the main cause of the RRoD is the console overheating which causes the GPU to pop out of its socket. This was a bad design on Microsoft's part with the first motherboard design.
They fixed this with the "Zepher" motherboard revision which was first used on the Elites and then on the HDMI Premiums (which is the one I bought) by redesigning the GPU heat sink.
Now they are finally making all the new 360's with the "Falcon" 65nm technology which will produce of less heat then the previous motherboards.
Regardless of what rev you have (I assume gen 1?) all 360's will throttle the fans faster or slower depending on the internal temp. If your fan sounds louder than normal I would make sure its getting the proper cooling and that there is good ventilation all around.
As for mine, it's whisper quiet and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.
Well, I guess I read old material. That's good news, but mostly for you new buyers. I got my 360 1 year after it's initial release, so I still have the red ring of death issue that will be haunting me. :(
Krudd, if I were you, I would actually hope for the RRoD. That way Microsoft will replace it with one of the updated models, hopefully even a HDMI unit. The only downside is that you will have to play with the PS3 while you wait for the return unit. :)
So , what's the downside then? :)
BTW, update to my list of games. I now have Mass Effect on the 360 and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PS3. Both are graphically amazing! While Mass Effect drives in a big blockbuster storyline, Drake's is fast and furious action packed! 2 extreme opposite ends of the spectrum in playability. ;)
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