Expedition gone wrong

It seems most of the pages cannot be translated from the journal that was recently found in the Himalayas, much damage was done to them. We were however able to recover another page that was over a week into the lost expeditions journey.
"We're lost. Half our members have been taken away by something unseen and big, which is hunting us as we climb down the blizzard drawn mountains. We found an old train station which still had a working engine and were almost set to speed our way down but no sooner had we left the station when the thing attacked and tore the tracks to shreds!
If not for the gusting storm, what we believe to be the yeti would have found us instead of tearing up the tracks. I think I was able to get a snapshot of it from a distance, but my flash may have attracted it to our location. We're at a desperate time on this forsaken trip. It almost seems to be toying with us, letting some of us get to a safe distance while somehow sneaking around and taking others without our knowing! What kind of creature is this?
The only thing we do know about it is that it's big, it's strong and it's hunting us along the way. We've lost most of our gear and food and this blizzard is making travel down the mountainside almost impossible. We're hoping we will be able to get some sleep in this small cave for the night."
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