Army of Two

When I decided to pre-order Army of Two, I couldn't say. I completely forgot that I had even done so, even after I received the phone call from GameStop! As I went to the store after work, I kept wondering when in the world did I pre-order AoT? And why would I pre-order this game as recently when I saw a few commercials, I thought eh, it might be ok, but I can wait to get it, no big rush for this game.
Which brings me to now, after I started playing it. Needless to say, the graphics and sound are top notch. Now that game makers have finally realized what they can do with the 360, and to some degree the PS3, visuals and audio are not gonna be something they skimp on in the future. Or shouldn't be at the least.
As I've just started playing, I can't give a good review of the storyline thus far. The acting seems to be pretty good, though as in all new rated M games, language is a problem. I gave GoW and Halo3 a pass as both those games are way above the cream of the crop in terms of style and gameplay. But I don't think every M rated game needs to have that kind of language. In any case, M means bad words more than violence to me, though obviously AoT is violent.
That being said, this does look to be a great co-op game. The AI is only so good, it is an AI after all. But the teamwork involved in the missions I've played so far, awesome! I'm actually having fun playing the game, and when the price is right for Marcos to play, bring it on! I know we still need to do Halo3 co-op, but this would be a very nice addition to do as well. BTW, I think I said this before, but send a text message when you can play, cousin!
Oh, and while I'm at it, GameStop also let me know that I had pre-ordered Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii! I forgot all about that one as well... o.O"
If I only had Krud's discretionary income...ohh...the possibilities....!
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