
As I was going through my email, mostly deleting old stuff, I saw one of my new ones was from GameStop. Curious about the header saying something to the effect of what's going on in Central Park, I opened it up and there was a newsletter from some Central Park Association or such, with a pretty interesting story on it's front page about strange things in Central Park.
The one link to find out more about the story was called centraldark.com. Well, needless to say, I had to find out more. Wow is all I can say. I vaguely remember the original game, but it was pretty scary for it's time. It was also the first of it's kind, the horror 3d genre. Not quite remembering if Resident Evil was or not, I went of course to Wikipedia to find out. Yup, Dark was actually the first of it's kind, though the sequels to the original took on the Evil style of gameplay as opposed to it's originator.
Now, 16 years later, after several sequels and many copycats in the horror 3d era, not excluding one of my favorites, F.E.A.R., Dark is back and it's website is awesome! Filled with facts that the gamemakers were able to use for their own purposes and storyline for the twisting, it lays out a fabulous erie plot with incredible graphics! It is now on my dream list of games to get this year!
I still don't know if I will get it on the 360 or PS3, but if they happen to improve the game based on the PS3 capabilities by much, that and the online multi or non multi player option will be my deciding factor. Now let's hope it's as frightening as the previews make it out to be!
Nice heads up on the game. I would have used this URL on the Wiki link, but good info anyways. Being released June 2nd on all platforms including the PC. If the reviews are good, I'll be sure to pick up a copy.
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