latest blog made me nostalgic for the original
Diablo so I reinstalled it on my somewhat more modern PC. I was surprised to see it run well on Vista, albeit with the original 640x480 graphics. Back in the day I never got past the Butcher but I intend to defeat him now that I'm a much older and slightly more experienced gamer.
Ok, I distinctly remember doing this trick, and found the vid for it for defeating the butcher. If you don't wanna know it, don't hit the link!
I was also able to kill him other ways, but this was almost like cheating!
Oh, and I'm trying to find my copy, but unfortunately it's somewhere in some box stored away.
I wanna install 1 & 2 and maybe we could do a multiplayer!
Now both of you are making me want to replay Diablo!
Looking through my computer drawer, I found my original discs for Diablo II. That means I must have downloaded Diablo during my college days, became frustrated with the Butcher and abandoned the game. Years later I purchased a retail copy of Diablo II and for some reason abandoned it as well before I finished. Krudd, do I need to play D1 before I play D2 storywise?
Yes, if you are interested in story at all, then it's a must to play D1 first and straight through.
Also, I just started playing it again today, but I haven't made a single player character yet, instead I went for a multi player character on Battle.net.
Anybody up for battle.net diablo soon? :)
Krudd, that youtube video your wrote was the same one I emailed Mark a few days ago! ;) I sent it so he can hear the "fresh meat" comment, I didn't realize that it showed a trick using a spell.
Here's another one showing Blizzard's "recommended" way of killing the Butcher according to Mark's observations. Funny commentary.
I killed the Butcher! It was actually easy using the rather simple technique Blizzard hints at during level 2. What I didn't know was that most of the quests are random and you may not get the Butcher at all. This is what happened to me during my first recent attempt, I was on the 8th level when I realized it just wasn't happening so I had to restart.
Krudd, do I need the CD key in order to play multiplayer?
I don't remember. Sorry.
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