Monday, March 15, 2010

Game Night

So it seems that Saturday has become our unofficial game night. Marcos and I seem to be playing the past few Sat nights almost as if it were a normal event like the way the 4 of us used to have Friday nights for Warcraft 3. Those were fun gaming nights!

But now recently the 2 of us have been making a habit of Saturday nights doing what I (dare I say we yet, Mark? :-) ) love best in a video game at this timeā€¦ zombie hunting! Left4Dead 2 is our habit and we seem to be fine with our habit/addiction night. Nothing better than accidently shooting a team mate as the coach and hearing him say, "Excuse me?! Excuse me?!?"

Now if somehow we could get David and Rob to sink to out depths and get a 360, Live and L4D2!!! Come on boys! It's zombie killin' time!


Blogger Marcos said...

L4D2 is addicting. Sometimes at work I think of ways we can beat the Tank!

10:18 PM  
Blogger Marcos said...

Oh almost forgot. Did you see Valve is almost done with their add on? I think they said end of this month. You know we are playing!

10:18 PM  
Blogger kruddler said...

Excellent! Oh yes, more zombie killin'!

And at work I also look up YouTube on how others beat bosses! Too funny!

8:16 AM  

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