Portal 2

Valve announced the other day that the sequel to my all time favorite game is finally being released this holiday season. More details on the upcoming title can be found on Gameinformer's website.
If you look at the Valve press release you will notice that some of the letters are underlined. Put all the letters together will give you "drattmanh0nee". But what does that mean? Well after a quick Google search I found out that this was an Easter Egg suggesting that Portal 2 is going to have co-op mode. How cool is that?
Also, apparently the original Portal game has been updated to give the fans something to do during the meantime (a la Slusho style).
Hmmm I wonder if it'll be soon or about the time when steam is ported, as that would be so much more convenient? I can wait! Yes can not can't!
Oh unless it's a big ol' stand alone like a normal game and on the 360, in which case I may have to get it sooner than later…
Wow, lot's of great background info reading the scanned GameInformer article. Sounds like Valve has another hit on their hands.
A few days before the Steam coming to Mac announcement I was wondering whatever happened to Half-Life 3 and Portal 2? Good things to those who wait I guess. ;)
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