Always Bet on Duke

Again, leave it up to the internet community to post the funny comments...
Looks like Duke's been juicing. First Roger Clemens, and now this. Where
have all the role models gone?
Isn't this technicially a sign of the apocalypse?
Commentary on technology, video games, movies and television.
Looks like Duke's been juicing. First Roger Clemens, and now this. Where
have all the role models gone?
Isn't this technicially a sign of the apocalypse?
Ahh, you beat me to the story! I first read about it on ARS Technica. This certainly caught most long time gamers off guard. And we were just talking about it last month too.
I still remember when Dave first told us about Duke Nukem 3D and we laughed because we envisioned the original side scroller. Who knew what a great single player and MP game it would become.
To me, the graphics in DNF look equivalent to Doom 3, but this is perfectly fine as all I expect is the same fun factor and interactivity as DN3D.
Mark and I discussed this article yesterday, but just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, it's a good read.
That's a great article!
So, I'll also not be holding my breath, but am glad the Duke is still swinging away! :)
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