Oh the apps!

So many apps I want and maybe too many I've wasted time on!
So, greatest thing to come about in the age of the cell? App Store! Who made it great? Apple! I curse you, you wonderful creative thinking corporation that makes me spend money I don't have!
I recently downloaded Tweetdeck (free!) and now I'm addicted to twitter! Stupid free apps! Curse you also! I'm having a blast on twitter and I don't know why. I say that because most of my posting and followings have been political and politics don't make me happy! Ironic, eh? Sadness.
On another note, Gary (yes, my bro!) turned me onto a niffty little app called pUniverse, aka pocket universe. GPS astronomical app that points which direction you are facing showing you the sky and what's out there in front of you, day or night. Obviously very helpful when you can actually see the stars... but in any case, very cool astronomy app! Love it!
Another app I downloaded is Emergency Radio for all those who like scanners and listening to police and fire dept calls! I saw it, thought why not and lo and behold, it can also be addicting! Not only does it scan the local area, but places all over the U.S.! How cool is that?! Too cool!
And one other app I'll mention is My Gov, which fills you in on government happenings in the House and Senate plus, now get this, a listing of all, yes all, your congressmen and senators and how to contact them! But wait, there's more! You can also see state by state spending! And the best part is you can voice your concern/opinions directly from the app in the community tab! Now we can get mad at our politicians in a very easy manner! I don't know why I'm so excited about this app, I keep using exclamations! See?
And of course, for another blog some other time, I have a few games. But that will take it's own space and time!
Thanks for the Pocket Universe recommendation, I enjoy star gazing myself and think I may get this for my 1st gen Touch.
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