Snow in Southern California

This is in contrast to people who pre-ordered the regular upgrade DVD in which Apple sent it FedEx next day so it arrived at their home exactly on August 28th.
I'm not terribly too concerned about how soon I get SL because I'm still getting used to 10.5 and need to document various features for work (binding to Active Directory, connecting to 802.1x corporate WLAN using PEAP, ect...) however this is a good reminder for future purchases that its probably best to wait until Apple ships a new software product before you buy new hardware.
On a related note, I loved using Leopard so much (Stacks!) that I ended up ordering the Mac Box Set for my G5. I bet someone in Apple is wondering who the heck is this guy, ordering a new MacBook Pro and a long in tooth operating system days before 10.6 is released. :-)
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