Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's Coming!

Back in January 2008, Rob blogged about a well reviewed independent horror movie, called Paranormal Activity. What wasn't known at the time, but later told to me by Rob was that Dreamworks quickly bought the rights to the film with a plan to remake it using a bigger budget. I was quickly against this as I felt it would lose the indy vibe and thus the scare factor that is sadly so missing in today's Hollywood.

Well it appears the studio changed course and decided to release the original movie, although rumored with a different ending (I really hope this isn't true). Nonetheless my sister Angie quickly alerted me to the press release which states that a midnight screening is going to take place at the ArcLight Hollywood on Sept 24th, 2009. I joined Facebook today just so I could RSVP but I've been meaning to join anyways.

Krudd, let me know if you want to join us for what should be a truly horrific film. I promise it has to be better than The Final Destination I took you to!


Blogger kruddler said...

yeah! i'll go!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Nice catch Mark. Just a day or so before your post I googled PA to catch up on any updated information but found nothing. I noticed also that Apple has an exclusive trailer for it.

That's a bit of a bummer if Paramount altered the ending though. Let me know how it is.

9:16 AM  

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