I'm sure you all heard of
Black Friday already, which is the day after Thanksgiving and is when traditionally stores come out with their best deals of the year in order to jump start the Christmas shopping season. Many years ago Rob scored a
Nvidia GeForce 3 Ti for only $99 at BestBuy. Well this year Amazon is having some awesome "Black Thursday" specials starting at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time tomorrow morning. One of the items I'm going to try to buy is the
Xbox 360 Core System for only $99. I only say "try" because this news is already spreading across the web like wildfire and Amazon is only offering 1000 of these at this price. If you want one like me then its best to keep your finger on the F5 (refresh) button starting at 10:55 a.m. As a reminder, they sold out of the Nintendo Wii in less than
1 minute.
Xbox 360 website describes the differences between the lower cost Core system and the more expensive regular version. You can always purchase the "missing" items later (like the hard drive) if needed. It would be cool if we can all get one so we can have a Gears of War party.
Amazon's website was so hammered, I couldn't get in to place an order. From their website...
Thanks for participating in Amazon Customers Vote! Limited quantities of this item were deeply discounted on November 23 at 11 a.m. Pacific time, and sold out almost immediately. Congratulations to our customers who scored the deal!
Well, I haven't checked my email and wow, did i miss a lot in 2 days!
It's a bummer about the 360. Well, you're next bet will be before Christmas I'm sure.
I thought FIOS was suppposed to be fast, btw... :)
Well I just got back from my parents and checked the status of the still loading "Get this deal" Amazon site. Says it's still loading. :( After 11 hours, I think it's time to throw in the towel!
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