
Well, kind of. Now they are developing games for Mac OS X and the iPhone. My two minute investigation revealed that the domain is registered to John Wilczak, the former CEO of HSC Software/MetaTools/MetaCreations. I guess after the implosion, John decided to stay in the Santa Barbara area and ended up retaining the rights to the MetaTools name and MetaSquares game. I always liked the MetaTools name and logo more than MetaCreations. You can read more about the history of the MetaSquares game here and the company's multiple mergers and acquisitions here.
Good catch. Now all John needs to do is to bring back Kai so they can start HSC/MetaTools/MetaCreations 2.0.
To be precise, I had been "stewarding" the domain (and I guess the "Metasquares" name as well, since their trademark had expired and they probably couldn't have renewed it without ownership of the domain) and gave it back to them when I found out that their intention was to bring back Metasquares.
But yes, they're back. And yes, they're working on a new Metasquares client.
Thanks for the mention. We are indeed up and running and our first product, MetaSquares for iPhone, is now in the App Store. You can find it here.
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