Because I have so much commuting time working in Japan, I quickly suck up the three podcasts that I subscribe to before the week is over (
this WEEK in TECH,
MacBreak Weekly and Luxology's
modcast). So after hearing Leo Laporte advertise it on every show, I decided to give Audible a try last year with TWIT's
two-credit promotional trial membership. My two book choices were
Under the Dome by Stephen King and
The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
It took me two months, but I just finished Under the Dome which is a whopping 34½ hours long (unabridged). Maximum value for the credit! I highly recommend this if you like the Lost/Twilight Zone type of science fiction. I would love to see a movie or miniseries about this.
I'm going to start listening to The Road this week which is a much more digestable 6½ hours in length. I picked that book simply because I'm a fan of the film, No Country for Old Men which was based on McCarthy's earlier novel. The Road did win a Pulitzer prize for Fiction which is nothing to sneeze at also. ;)
I did cancel my Platinum membership before the trial ended but it was mainly because I thought Under the Dome would take me all year to finish and I didn't want my credits to start piling up. I might try a Gold plan at a later time though.