Yellowstone scenes

Just wanted to post a couple more pics for you guys.
One thing I thought was really neat was being able to be close to some of the animals without them caring how close we were! They obviously have gotten used to people over the years as in some cases they would just look up at us and keep eating, not taking any kind of defensive posture. Probably one of the coolest things so far.
However, we do know that they are wild and can turn on us at any time! We don't want to be the next headline, "Chipmunks go wild on Vallejo family!"
There were a ton of large and small pools just like the one here. Incredible! And when the wind would blow the steam our way, wow was it ever so hot! But just looking at the pools made me want to just take a swim! Not in this pool! And one of the coolest parts with some of these large pools was that you couldn't see the bottom as clear as they were! Deep, so very deep.