Apple Store Visit

For some reason I can't explain, the 15" looks absolutely huge compared to it's smaller sibling. I almost questioned why would someone want something so big when it's supposed to be a portable device. That was until I opened up Final Cut Express on both systems and I instantly saw how cramped the 13" display was. If you are going to work with any sort of video editing package in a remote location, you absolutely have to get the larger model (even the 17" wouldn't be out of the question). For myself I only plan to edit at home connected to my 20" Cinema Display so I'm still going with the 13", once I get final work approval.
I noticed an employee putting new price tags on the 1GB Time Capsules. There were no 500GB boxes on the shelf, but I suspect they removed them earlier that day to make room for the 2GB model (which I saw no stock of).
I also saw one copy of the recently discontinued Shake 4.1. I checked the box out and it had some cool pics of what it could do. I have to admit I'm not very knowledgeable about this product but I would be interested to know why it was dropped from Apple's Pro software lineup, especially after they took the time and money to aquire the company that created it. From what I understand Apple even gave it big price drop during it's last update. If anybody knows the real story please give a shout out.
One of my favorite things to do in the "Store" is to secretly listen to all the side conversations going on. One lady was getting a Personal Training Session on what appeared to be Microsoft Word 2008 (it could have been Pages but I didn't stare long enough). I chuckled as one the Apple staff was asked by another customer what QuickTime was. The employee didn't give a great answer as he said it had something to do with Apple movies, but the customer finally nodded her head with understanding when he explained it was the big blue "Q" icon. Stuff like that is pure gold!